Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Principals for Optimal Vitality

I've had a case of writers block trying to get this first post down. I've thought about plenty of topics, ranging from training to nutrition to simply telling you guys who I am and why the hell you should bother listening to me. In the end though, I figured I'd keep it simple and break the ice with a list of things you can immediately apply to begin living a healthier life.

Besides, everyone likes lists, right?

Here are my top ten principles for winning the health race and achieving optimal health and vitality:

- Eat organic foods whenever possible.
- Fall asleep between 10 pm and 11 pm.
- Wake up between 6 am and 7 am.
- Practice Parasympathetic - dominant activity (ie. Yoga, QiGong, meditation, etc). Yeah, I used to think this was a quack too. Get over it, because these activities have MASSIVE health benefits.
- Cut the C.R.A.P. - Caffiene, Refined/processed foods, Alcohol, and Pasturized dairy.
- Eat right for your metabolic type: Some people are carb types, some are protien types, some are mixed types (Of course I am simplifying). Know what type you are and eat accordingly! 
- Recognize the foods that you are intolerant to. Look into having a test like LEAP MRT done. If you don't want to do that, try cutting out all grains, dairy, corn, soy, and citrus fruits. 
- Don't eat anything that comes in a box. 
- Eat 4-6 meals per day, consuming protien, fats, and carbohydrates according to your metabolic type every 3-4 hours. 
- Do what you love and love what you do. Happy people are always healthier people. 

In coming posts I will expand on many of these topics and touch on many others.

Stay tuned!


  1. nice man, awesome you have a blog now.. i adhere to about 25% of your list currently.. ;)

  2. Hi buddy,

    I just read throught a lot of your articles, I find them really interesting, acurate, and well-written !!

    It seems that you are seeking perfection as an athlete, and I find this very inspirational !!

    "Real" weight lifting, proper recovery and nutrition are all well-covered, and even though I may not be able to follow all the things that you do, I will try to follow some of your advices, especially the "isometric circuit" inspired by AlexV that sounds great !!

    Keep on writing !!

    ps: i went from one of adarqui's vids on youtube, to your profile, to one of your dunking vids, to your blog :P
