Saturday, August 1, 2009

Constructing a Diet Plan, Part. 2

Part 1 of this series dealt with analyzing key metabolic indicators to get a feel for the makeup of the athlete. Now that we have an idea what type of person we are dealing with, we need to select specific foods for this individual. 

The first thing we need to do is determine the individual's metabolic type. In a general sense, there are two main types: One that does well with higher carbohydrates and lower protein and fat intake, and one that does well with lower carbohydrates and higher protein and fat intake. Often people fall somewhere in the middle, making for a third, mixed type. Sensitivity to carbohydrates also indicates many other things.

Below is a comparison between types:

Type 1 – Carb Type (Slow Oxidizer)

-       Generally does well with 60-70% carbohydrate, 20-30% protein, and 10-15% fats

-       Usually of an ectomorphic body type (thinner build, naturally lower bodyfat %)

-       Often, but not always, a blood type A

-       Does well with lighter, leaner cuts of meat, as well as seafood

-       Handles starchy carbohydrate sources better than other types

-       If dairy is consumed, does better on lower fat or fat-free dairy products

-       Candidate for vegetarianism if desired

-       Usually handles legumes better than other types.

Type 2 – Mixed Type

-       Generally does well with 40-60% carbohydrate, 30-40% protein, and 15-25% fats

-       Body types vary, but will often be of a medium build, somewhere between ecto and mesomorph

-       Often, but not always, blood type B or AB

-       Does well with most cuts of meat and seafoods

-       Often tolerates dairy better than other types, but:

-       Must work harder to determine which foods and macronutrient ratios are right for them, individually.

Type 3 – Protein Type (Fast Oxidizer)

-       Generally does well with 30-40% carbohydrate, 40-50% protein, and 20-30% fats

-       Often, but definitely not always, of a mesomorphic body type (thicker build)

-       Often, but not always, blood type O

-       Does well with darker, fattier cuts of meat and seafood

-       Usually does not handle starchy carbohydrate sources as well as other types

-       If dairy is consumed, does better on full fat dairy products

-       Usually does not handle legumes as well as other types.

To determine your own individual type, consider your blood type, your body structure (are you naturally skinny, or do you have trouble keeping your weight down?), and also simply the way you feel after a particular meal as a reaction to the foods it contained.

Also, consider the following questionnaire:

1.)  For breakfast, which meal would provide you with the most energy and sense of fullness until lunchtime?

-       Yogurt and fruit -2

-       Steak and eggs +2

-       Any food would work 0

2.)  Do you crave salty snacks, such as potato chips?

-       Yes +1

-       No -1

-       At times but not consistently 0

3.)  For lunch, which meal would provide you with the most energy and sense of fullness until dinnertime?

-       Large salad with a small chicken breast -2

-       Beef tenderloin with a small spinach salad +2

-       Any food would work 0

4.)  If eating dessert, which would you desire the most? Consider your sense of taste and satisfaction, not which option you feel would be the healthiest.

-       Cheesecake +2

-       Yogurt with berries -2

-       An dessert would appeal to me 0

5.)  For dinner, which meal would provide you with the most energy and sense of fullness until bedtime?

-       Steak with vegetables +2

-       Seafood with a large Caesar salad -2

-       Any food would work 0

6.)  How would you react if you were forced to skip a meal?

-       No problem -2

-       Very poorly +2

-       No noticeable effect 0

7.)  If you drank a glass of fruit juice on an empty stomach, how would you feel?

-       I would react poorly +2

-       I would respond well -2

-       No noticeable effect 0

Add up your total score to determine your nutritional needs:

-       Carb Type: -15 to -6

-       Mixed Type: -5 to +5

-       Protien Type: +6 to +15

Metabolic types can never be exact, and only you can decide what works best for you. Use this template as a guide to get started, but ultimately you will need to experiment, and see for yourself what foods, at what ratios will help you achieve optimal health. On top of this, there are many further subcategories in the Metabolic Typing system. For the sake of this article, we won't get into them as they can seem complex and overwhelming. For now, just worry about which main category you fit under. You will also want to re-test yourself every month or so. As you get healthier you might find yourself shifting back towards your natural metabolic type, which may be different that the result of your original test. 

Eating right for your metabolic type will ensure that your body has the right foods to fuel your individual metabolism. The result is significantly higher, sustainable energy and higher performance, as well as the ability to control your weight and body composition in any direction you wish. 

Now, while Metabolic Type is the foundation for our system, selecting the correct foods still requires one more important facet. We will cover this facet in Part 3. In future installments, we will go over when to eat specific foods and at what ratios, peri-workout nutrition, and many other important topics. I'll sum it all up with a case study on myself, putting all the steps into action. For now, take the test and let me know what your results are!

- T

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